Storage+Solar Calculator CRM Integration

Written by Brad Pirtle
Updated 10 months ago

The Storage+Solar Calculator is a lead capture tool that can be integrated with your CRM like Salesforce.  This allows you to take the data captured by the calculator and create a lead in your CRM.

This article assumes you have already integrated the Storage+Solar Calculator with your website, following these steps.

To help make this simple, use a Workflow Automation tool that integrates to your CRM like Zapier to process a webhook from Know True-Up.  You can use any integration tool to accomplish this that supports webhooks.

Below is an example using Zapier and Salesforce.  You will need to modify this (what triggers it, what fields you want) based on your specific needs and how you use your CRM.

To integrate the Storage+Solar Calculator with your CRM, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Zap, in this case named "Know True-Up Webhook Zap".  Create 2 steps, one to catch the webhook, and the second to create the lead.
  2. Get the webhook URL from the first step, example:
    Give this URL to support to have it get called every time a lead is submitted.
  3. Modify the second step  to create the lead how you want it in your CRM.  You can store any of the data that is sent to the webhook, see the JSON description below.

The data that the Storage+Solar Calculator collects is passed to the webhook as JSON.  You can save any of these elements  passes to the lead you create in your CRM.  Here is list of the currently supported data elements:

    "user": {
        "id": id,
        "firstName": first_name,
        "lastName": last_name,
        "email": email,
    "account": {
        "phone": phone,
        "addressOne": address_one,
        "city": city,
        "state": state,
        "zipCode": zip_code,
    "lead": {
        "id": id,
        "currentStep": current_step,
        "maxStep": max_step,
        "crmXId": crm_xid,
        "consumptionType": consumptionType,
        "consumptionValue": consumptionValue,
        "monthlyBill": monthlyBill,
        "billAfter": billAfter,
        "billSavings": billSavings,
        "annualConsumption": annualConsumption,
        "recommendedType": recommendedType,
        "addOnProduction": addOnProduction,
        "addOnOffset": addOnOffset,
        "batterySize": batterySize,
        "systemSize": systemSize,
        "addOnCost": addOnCost,
        "batteryCost": batteryCost,
        "financingType": financingType,
    "tracking": {
        "utm_source": utm_source,
        "utm_medium": utm_medium,
        "utm_campaign": utm_campaign,
        "utm_term": utm_term,
        "utm_content": utm_content,
        "url_referrer": url_referrer,
        "url_host": url_host,

Here is a "curl" command line that you can use for testing your webhook.  You can edit the POST JSON data per the fields above to add more test data as needed, and change the URL to your webhook.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"user": {"firstName": "fname", "lastName": "lname", "email": ""}, "account": {"phone": "111-111-1111", "addressOne": "123 Easy St.", "city": "Fresno", "state": "CA", "zip": "93722"}, "lead": {"monthlyBill": "123"}, "tracking": {"utm_source": "source"}}'

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